
Live well. Eat well.

Middle Eastern Inspired Meatballs

Middle Eastern-inspired Tacos

30 mins | Serves 6


12 Peppercorn Extra Lean Beef Meatballs

• Flatbread of choice – we used gluten free tortillas but you could use pita or souvlaki bread.



1 Lebanese cucumber, sliced

1 small red onion, sliced

½ cup of fresh mint leaves

½ cup of coriander leaves

1/3 cup of dill leaves

2 teaspoons of Olive oil

1 teaspoon of Lemon juice

Salt, pepper for seasoning


Tahini Yoghurt Dressing:

2 tablespoons of Tahini

½ cup of Natural Greek Yoghurt

1 small garlic clove, minced or very finely sliced

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon of lemon juice

½ teaspoon of Sumac

2 tablespoons of water

Salt, pepper for seasoning


1 – Cook your meatballs for 10 to 15 minutes, dependent on your method of choice. Our meatballs can be pan fried, BBQ’d, grilled or air fried. Full instructions found on the back of our packs.

2 – To make salad,combine your sliced cucumber and red onion with the dill, coriander and mint leaves into a bowl. Add olive oil and lemon juice, mix and season to your liking. Put to the side ready for flat bread construction.

3 – To make dressing, combine all ingredients, with exception of the water, into a bowl and mix thoroughly. Then, add the water 1 tablespoon at a time and combine until you get the consistency you desire. (Feel free to add more water if required). Taste, and season to your liking. Put to the side ready for flat bread construction.

4 – Finally, warm your flat bread of choice, top with the Tahini Dressing (approximately 1 tablespoon), add some salad and finish with Peppercorn meatballs. Enjoy!


Tip: Want to take the bite out of your raw onion? Soak the sliced onion in chilled water for 10 minutes.

Flavour dial: Drizzle a little of pomegranate.

Click here to download the recipe.

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